The competition consumer meta facebook australiansmanekarreuters

Meta (Facebook) responds to the Bundeskartellamt’s concerns

23.11.2022 — Meta has responded to the Bundeskartellamt’s competition concerns and now also offers the possibility to set up the headset using a separate …

Bundeskartellamt – News – Case summary from 3280 June 2022

28.06.2022 — Case summary from 3280 June 2022: Bundeskartellamt clears acquisition of Kustomer by Meta (formerly Facebook) (Decision of 11 February 2022).

Data protection violations by Meta and Co: ECJ confirms …

Data protection violations by Meta and Co: ECJ confirms extensive right of consumer organisations to take legal action to enforce GDPR | Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

According to vzbv, the company had infringed rules on the protection of personal data, on combating unfair competition and on consumer protection when offering …

Statement by Jutta Gurkmann, Executive Director of the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband – vzbv)

Keywords: the competition consumer meta facebook australiansmanekarreuters